10 This is the theme of the most sought Blog on the Internet

10 This is the theme of the most sought Blog on the Internet - ok friends friends , what they say , I hope people say well yes , ok this time , my blog is titled how to create adsense websites will share information about the most in searching the internet or commonly referred to as theme of the blog .

 theme is the main thing that must be done surveys before making blogs , well weve what the hell good blog theme , for the target country Indonesia .. ? . OK to answer that question I will share my experiences around the theme of the blog .
1 . blog about Video and Film
This is the first topic that many in search of people , why because the average Indonesian people fewer people are interested in reading , more seen than read . and this is also the reason why websites like Ganool.com get so many visitors because presents many movie download link that is so popular and the new course .
2 . blog about software
People who access the Internet, of course most are much more comfortable using a notebook / laptop or PC , and blogs that discuss about this software is usually much sought after by the developer or want to deepen the analysis of software development , especially for friends who are programmers certainly very interested to learn how to make , how to wear , to how to maximize pengunaanya .
3 . blog about MP3
About the blog theme mp3 , kanapa crowd looking on mp3 blogs , the reason is if you are starting a business such as a store hp or anything related to cellular then certainly must have a lot of mp3 collection , there gudanglagu.com example , quite popular dll.tentu 4shared all right .
4 . blogs about Game
Game of course very many of us who are very mengandrungi thing one ever surfaced when we download the game This game gratis.nah opportunities that you can use to start writing a blog .
5 . This blog about it Free
believe it or not a friend friend , if it is free of the most sought after dindonesia , for example, just like mywapblog.com there a lot of bloggers who share tricks about how free another example misalnya.Yang handler free download free software , free music , etc. .
6 . a blog about the business
This is an opportunity that is promising to share anything about business agan - agan of course could all develop a business that is being agan geluti.tentu with the many visitors who are interested in the writings of agan.bisnis agan will quickly evolve

7 . a blog about the latest new thing
You know yahoo , detik.com , viva news.Nah visitor - visitor was certainly very like the theme update.Dengan something about new things blog or website agan certainly be more crowded with the names of visitors .
8 . about the blog tutorial
Tutorial certainly things that are often searched with by buddies who love to something like blogger blog.tutorial example would be the target of many netizens who want to start a blog to write or beautify them .
9 . blog about Buy Sell Online
This is one of the key success Amazon.com , one of the largest online trading site in the world .
10 . blog about tips and tricks
With themes such as tips and tricks tips and tricks about health , daily life and other sebagainya.tentunya tis easy and simple tricks that a lot of people become very sought after right .
Well maybe just that much that I can share about the blog themes that we can use to build a great blog .

Submit blog kebanyak search engine

Dari judul di atas pasti anda tau yang saya maksudkan bukan.ya, maksud saya adalah bagaimana memasukkan blog kita ke banyak seacrh engine,wow,,mungkinkah bisa. Sebagian orang yang baru membuat blog pasti hanya berfikir ke arah yahoo,google dan bing.untuk anda tahu di dunia ini terdapat banyak search engine bahkan jumlahnya mencapai ratusan,kenapa bisa???
Hal yang mungkin menurut saya sendiri adalah Siapa yang tidak ingin mengikuti jejak google  search engine nomor satu di dunia itu.apalagi dengan perkembangan dunia it saat ini.Nah untuk itu  salah satu teknik optimasi yang jitu dalam menaikkan traffic dan menaikkan page rank blog kita adalah dengan mensubmit blog kita  ke berbagai search engine yang populer .
Ada banyak situs web yang menyediakan layanan seperti itu dan bisa anda cari dengan  keyword “web submission”. Ini lebih mudah dilakukan daripada anda hari memasukkan situs/anda ke satu persatu search engine di dunia ini bukan.
Walaupun memang hampir semua pengguna internet lebih suka mengetik google dan menjadikan google sebagai hompage browsernya.tapi setidaknya cara ini lumayan efektif lebih lagi blog atau website anda terkena google sandbox atau bahkan blog baru yang belum punya page rank.

Untuk tau kedua hal di atas anda dapat mebaca artikel saya yang lain.

sucked in by the sand box

From the title above you must be wondering what to suck, and then you'll also wonder why your blog articles that originally there in the first place suddenly disappear from the search hit .. I mean this is one of the google algorithm a few days ago had made ​​me confused the hell out because it is
Understanding google sandbox

A penalty of google for a website and blog that offense or too (over) in situsn.Dan when optimizing your website then hit google sandbox articles on the blog or on the your website not be indexed by google (deindex). Effect agan blog visitors drastically reduced to 80% and even more frightening lebih.dan again we can not know how long we hit google sandbox article
1. you are copy paste.article
2 often ping without any renewal or posting updates on your blog or website.
3. quickly get backlinks and do a link farm.
4. often do spam.example to comment
Frightening is not my friend and if your blog or website google sand exposed agan agan box.Mungkin now are wondering why the blog visitor or  yours blog reduced not hit google sandbox. curious buddy buddy if you want to check it out how to click on the google search "site: urldomainkamu . com ".
Little suggestion of me, do optimation etc. but do not be too over.because  itself depends offense could briefly even very long.
Before the end of this myarticle, im remembered also that google sandbox is a warning from Google that can affect banned.will of it from now on begin to create an original and high quality articles.

cara mudah mandapat page rank google

Artikel pertama ane.sekarang ane mau share cara untuk medapatkan page rank itu sendiri.sekarang ini memang google lebih selektif untuk memberikan page rank,terbukti dengan dikeluarkanya seri terbaru alogaritma google yaitu google penguin 2.0.Dengan alogaritma tersebut google akan lebih selektif untuk menilai kualitas sebuah web dan dapat membuat web yang terkena penalty di tinggalkan visitornya atau menurunkan trafficnya.dengan begitu mana mungkin dapat page rank ya sobat. Nah ini beberapa tips buat agan-agan yang mau dapat page rank.
1.Artikel Orisinil
Salah satu acuan google memberikan page rank adalah Artikel yang orisinil dan bukan copas.Google tidak suka dengan artikel copas.Karna artikel orisinil  Tentu membuat web atau blog agan berbeda dengan yang lain.
2.Bukan Trafficnya tapi popularitas dan kualitasnya
Tentunya  untuk mendapatkan page rank  bukanya  trafficnya saja tapi popularitas dan kualitas halaman jauh lebih penting.Karna secara umum bisa anda lihat bahwa pada halaman result google (SERP)kecenderungan   artikel yang akan tampil pada halaman pertama adalah blog atau website yang memiliki page rank tertinggi,jadi agan masih punya kesempatan untuk meningkatkan jumlah visitor semaksimal mungkin.
3.Menghindari (Blackhat) SEO
Menghindari alogaritma  atau cara kerja sistem yang bertentangan dengan yang              diterapkan mesin pencari.contohnya google penguin diatas.Tentu bila kita mematuhi cara kerja google maka page rank blog kita akan meningkat.

Sebagai akhir dari Artikel ini saya tekan kan sekali lagi bahwa page rank Didapat dari Artikel orisinil,kepopuleran situ dan menghindari blackhat.Terlebih juga dengan tingkat kejujuran sebuah situs,loh tingkat kejujuran???? Iya atau bisa kita sebut trust rank.trust rank ini dapat kita check di website seomastering.com.sekian artikel ini bila ada salah kata-kata saya mohon maaf